About Us

nice to meet you

Hey, thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Dustin Boudreaux and I’ve been investing in real estate for the last 3.5 years. My beautiful wife, Dru, and daughter, Maya, are a big reason why! I always knew we’d have a family some day and when we did, I wanted to be there for it all! 

So if you’re wondering what it takes to get started or if you can do it, keep reading because I’m here to tell you that you have what it takes! I’ve built our real estate business all while having a demanding day job and started with no connections or lay up deals.

Before we bought our 1st property I read many books on real estate investing, listened to YouTube videos, and talked with many people. Everyone said the same thing: you should invest in real estate. I would say I couldn’t agree more, but I always had the same beaming question: What makes a good deal!? I would look at properties on Realtor and try to understand what was a good buy or not. After analyzing several different deals and studying what to make offers on, I figured it out! 

Starting The business

The picture to the right is the day we officially started our real estate investing business in 2020! Since starting the business we’ve been able to acquire over $12 million of real estate, mostly made up of long term rentals. Once you finally make the decision to go after your dreams, the real fun starts to happen.

If you’ve been wanting to invest in real estate but not sure where to start, I invite you to follow along as I will provide all the insights on getting started! 

The purpose of this blog is to educate you on how to get started with investing in real estate through my own experience and what I am learning while scaling an 8 figure portfolio. 

Make sure to grab my FREE real estate calculator which includes a video of me explaining how to use it and what makes a great deal to buy! You can find that Here.

Thanks for being here.